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Sports Celebration Evening

Another year of sporting succes and achievement for SGS students 


July 6th saw the PE Department host the annual Sports Celebration Evening.  The event is an opportunity to reflect upon the sporting success of the year, and students are awarded with full colours, half colours or certificates of achievement.

Seven students (William Cavalec, Mapalo Mwansa, Samuel Chew, Brandon Andrews, Bradley Waters and Thomas Smith) independently prepared and delivered superb speeches to summarise their year group’s sporting seasons.

Special guest Dipan Suwarneraj, CEO of Lions Sport Travel and Charity Pranav, also spoke inspirationally about the importance of sporting opportunities abroad, and the fantastic work his charity do in providing underprivileged children with cricket equipment and education in his home country of Sri Lanka.

The evening finished with a poignant farewell to Mrs Lee, who retires this summer.  She has supported the PE department for a number of years through attending fixtures and line management, and spoke about the successes of both academic PE and extra-curricular sport in school.

The PE Department would like to extend their thanks to the students, parents and guests who attended the evening.  Additional congratulations go to those students who won special awards, including the Sportsman of the Year:

Y7 – Jacob Sharman

Y8 – Charlie Willis

Y9 – Sepiso Irotumhe

Y10 – Harrison Burrows

Y11 – Patrick Harrington

Seniors – James Hook

Photo above - sporting Prowess: The specialist prize winners are:

Back row: Matthew Dowling, Thomas Birdseye, Patrick Harrington, Sepiso Irotumhe, Angus Bell

Front row: Joshua Baker, Charlie Willis, James Clark, Dipan Suwarenaj (special guest), Harry homes, Jacob Sharman, James Hook