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Great results for A Level Students at SGS

Please see the 11+ information page in the Admissions Section 


Thursday 17th August was A Level results day. At SGS we saw most of our students nervously gather to collect 'the brown envelope' which would reveal their long awaited grades. It was great to see so many happy faces, and that was just the proud parents!! With some students overwhelmed by their results, others were delighted they had met their predicted grades. Mainly, the consensus of the morning was that "all the hard work was worth it!"

I would imagine there were several celebrations last night and no doubt a more restful night sleep for all!!

Whilst we recognise all our student's achievements, it is wonderful to see 28% of results being grades A* and A. To add to the positive figures, 86% of students applied to UCAS and have been offered places at University, or have been accepted for clearing.  

There are some students that deserve a special mention after their results...
Congratulations to:
Robert Collison 3A*
James Rhodes 3A*/ 1B
Calvin Wilson 3A*/1A
Olivia Bellamy 2A*/ 1B
Thomas Birdseye ( Head Student 2016/17) 2A*/ 1A
James Chisolm 2A*/1A
Jon Harris 2A*/ 2A
Stephen McDougall 2A*/ 2A
Joe Thurgood 2A*/ 1A

Others who achieved an A* in their grades were... Oluwasemilore Alabi, Jordan Appleyard, Luke Barnes, Tom Beardwell, Joshua Burrows, Joseph Cameron, Patrick Donnelly, Colin O'Reilly, Harry Pratt, Oliver Rees, Thomas Smith and Ryan Toal.

A fantastic year; congratulations to all Year 13.  We wish you all the best with the next stage of your life journey!

See the Gallery for photos from Thursday morning!