Hockey Tournament January 2018
SGS Sixth Form Students help coach primary schools in the annual Hockey tournament
On Tuesday 16th January a slection of our Sixth Form Sports Coaches layered up and headed for the astroturf at Surfleet Park, for the annual primary school Hockey Tournament. Whilst it was incredibly cold (for the spectating staff), the students did a great job of leading the KS2 teams under the guidance of Agilitas coaches.
With a warm-up to start the day, children from Monkshouse, John Harrox, Ayscoughfee, Spalding Parish and St. Norberts were soon ready for the initial coaching session from SGS students. At 11am the tournament between 10 teams of nervous but excited children began! There was support from PE teachers and our students on the sidelines and the children had a wonderful day. Although I suspect everyone was pleased to be back on the coach in the warm!
Please see our gallery for pictures of the event!