Y12 do Ready, Steady, COOK!!!

Life skills are crucial whe you are considering the prospect of fending for yourself and have never even boiled an egg!
In a recent survey, one in three university students could not boil an egg, but they were happy to set up broadband on their computer. Furthermore, a staggering 48% of 18 years old could not cook spaghetti bolognese whilst 30% of 18 years old could not cook a jacket potato.
This week, a group of Year 12 buckled that trend as they were not only challenged to cook for themselves, but to cook on a budget of £3. The final results were astonishing as many of the students involved proved that they could rise to the challenge and potentially rival Jamie Oliver or Nigella Lawson. It was pleasing to see the creativity of the students as well as the seeing the student’s confidence grow.
Well done to all involved. (See the Gallery for more photos)
Mr C Crane