End of Term Assembly...From Star Wars to Lip-Sync
Entertained by Mr Rowe, with his usual 'Star Wars' theme
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Spalding Grammar School!
The whole school were entertained by Mr Rowe and his usual end of term ‘Star Wars’ themed presentation, bringing in Mr Endersbee as the reluctant bystander. We are sure we will see a Pantomime double act appearing in the not too distant future!
The audience were delighted to see footage of the Lip-Sync battle, which saw Harry Parnell (Johnson House Captain), collecting a cheque for £840 on behalf of Cancer Research. Mrs Howman and the Soul band played a number of songs, including Richard Simpson and Dylan Taylor on vocals.
Mr Crane announced Moulton House as first place, followed by Johnson in the Inter House Competitions. This is great news for Mrs Johnson, leading her House from 6th to 2nd place!
We will look forward to seeing you all on Monday 6 January!