Music: Key Stage 3 and 4
How do we inspire and challenge our students?
Musicality, creativity with originality, and celebrating the unique talents of every musician.
Music is a subject that naturally inspires and challenges our students. They may enjoy listening to music and encounter it on a daily basis. Our curriculum therefore builds on this, providing variety and opportunities to try new instruments and listen to new genres. It is our aim to introduce students to many different styles and performance skills so that they can enjoy expanding their performance and listening capabilities.
The music curriculum provides a balanced amount of performing, composing and appraising/listening at Key Stage 3 and 4. KS3 focuses on building up performance skills whilst KS4 relies on these skills being used for NEA.
How do we enrich learning?
Enrichment is at the centre of the music department at SGS and we are proud of the opportunities that we provide for musicians of all abilities. Music enrichment takes place throughout the week and mainly during the school day at lunch time. Our ensembles consist of choir, concert band, soul band, ukulele group and ‘mash up’ group. Ensembles such as our soul and concert band are for instrumentalists of a certain standard. The Mash Up group however is open to all our students who want to have a go on any instrument and learn new ensemble skills whilst having fun playing music. It is also an extension of the practical skills that they learn in their music lessons, especially at KS3. Previously, we have also had student led ensembles such as a brass group and so the enrichment activities that we provide continually evolves and adapts to match the requirements of our students. Furthermore, our school musical takes up a large part of the department enrichment calendar from September to March, and it is another opportunity for students to get involved, learn new skills and gain in confidence both on and off the stage. As well as the musical, we have several performance opportunities throughout the year including our 3 concerts and other whole school events including the Carol Service, Charter Day and Speech Day. It is a busy department where rarely a lunchtime goes by without our various rehearsal spaces being used and music being made.