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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding is a “ring fenced” amount of money devolved to School to be designated in supporting those students eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) or who have been eligible in the last six years; registered as ‘Looked After’ continually for more than six months, or who have parents who are currently or have been in the in the Military Services in the last four years. 


At Spalding Grammar School, we utilise this funding in a number of ways to allow those pupils who fall into the above categories to have the same life chances as any one of their peers. The funding is used to remove any barriers these pupils may face with their learning, but also to enable them to attend certain extracurricular activities and educational visits they would otherwise be unable to access. We believe that every student in our school community should have the same opportunities to succeed in life and this funding is one element of this journey to success. 

How do we spend this money? 

Academic Year (2024-25) 


For an overview detailing how we plan to spend our Pupil Premium allocation this year and how we spent Pupil Premium funding last year, please read the attached strategy document below.

It is pleasing to note that the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students narrowed in academic year 23/24 and this is reflected in the evaluation of last year’s strategy, showing that the funding allocations had a positive impact on attainment.

We were also able to fund from the Pupil Premium funding learning materials for individual students. This included Art equipment, classroom resource packs, ancillary payments, revision guides, SEN resources and extra-curricular activities. 

We were very conscious that not all students were able to access educational visits due to their cost. Those students who attracted Pupil Premium funding were supported with the costs of those Educational Visits which enhanced their educational experience but also where attendance on these visits impacted positively on their learning and progress once back in school. 

Students who attracted Pupil Premium funding also requested help with funding towards instrumental music lessons which are delivered by peripatetic teachers from the County Music Service. 


Across the past two academic years and in summary, Pupil Premium funding has been used for the following (please see the strategy attachment for a more detailed breakdown): 

  • Staff CPD, through the use of the ‘Teaching and Learning Walkthrus’ platform, which is supporting in teacher development. Staff have selected up to five Walkthrus to practice across the academic year, some of which are departmental foci, such as ‘modelling and scaffolding’ to boost accessibility, or ‘pitch it up’ to stretch and challenge students’ thinking.  
  • Lexia literacy development software licences.
  • Continued funding of our School Wellbeing Officer, Pastoral Support Officer and Attendance Officer, including bespoke courses to support all students, including disadvantaged.
  • Curriculum materials and equipment. 
  • ‘The Day’ topical news subscription to promote reading for purpose in tutor time and subject areas.
  • Book Buzz resources to support with reading.
  • Summer sports for incoming Y7 cohorts. 
  • Partial funding of musical instrument lessons.
  • Trips and visits funding, to ensure that disadvantaged students do not miss out on opportunities outside of the classroom.
  • Visiting author workshops, with Seth Burkett on creative writing.
  • Mini whiteboards for use by staff for assessment for learning purposes.
  • Easter revision sessions, open to all, but with disadvantaged students strongly encouraged to attend and invited.

Whilst Pupil Premium money was paid to the school for individual circumstances, Spalding Grammar School looks to spend the funding in ways which will support the majority of Pupil Premium pupils to enable them to ensure their academic and personal progress is in line with their peers.