RS: Key Stage 5
Curriculum Intent
‘The Religious Studies, Philosophy and Ethics department at Spalding Grammar school aims to nurture curiosity, encourage understanding and celebrate diversity; by exploring issues of morality, spirituality, society and culture.’
“You will not learn from me philosophy,
but how to philosophise, not thoughts to repeat, but how to think.”
Immanuel Kant
Curriculum for A-Level (KS5)
The examination board we are currently with is Edexcel A-Level for Religious Studies.
There are 3x papers that cover the following content: -
Paper 1: Philosophy of Religion (33.33%) 80 marks =2hrs
Philosophical issues, Nature and influence of religious experience, Problems of evil and suffering, Philosophical language, Works of scholars, Influences of developments
Paper 2: Religion and Ethics (33.33%) 80 marks= 2hrs
Significant concepts in issues and debates, Study of three ethical theories, Application of ethical theories, Ethical language, Deontology, Virtue Ethics and the works of scholars, Medical ethics.
Paper 3: New Testament Studies (33.33%) 80 marks= 2hrs
Contexts of the New Testament, Texts and interpretation of the Person of Jesus, Interpreting the text and the purpose and authorship, Ways of interpreting the scripture, Texts and interpretation, Scientific and historical-critical challenge.
How do we inspire our students?
- Engaging lessons with activities students can enjoy.
- Robust SOW
- Discussion and debate
- Current affairs and news for an understanding of the world around them
- By listening to really ‘hear their voices’ and encouraging them to be their best versions of themselves and believing in them to live their best lives.
How do we challenge our students?
- Higher order thinking skills are taught and implemented.
- Lessons challenge verbally and in writing through discussion and debate and students are targeted individually to develop their responses.
- Raft work to improve both the content and the skills in their learning.
- Supra-Curricular reading around the subject
- Encouraging a global mindset to read around the subject and research key changes or updates in the field of ethics today.
How do we enrich learning?
- Sixth form students will attend an enrichment and revision conference in Cambridge.
- RS review subscription.
- The Equality Committee: The department have extrapolated themes covered in the RS curriculum to the broader school to allow more students to engage with these.
- Examples include the Stephen Lawrence Day, International Women’s Day and Oxfam Water week, Black History Month, International Refugee week, Holocaust Memorial, ‘Just’ Lincolnshire. All of which have seen SMCS activities in Tutor Time and competitions launched for students to enter Presentation and delivery in whole school assembly.
- A department library has also been set up from which students can borrow resources during lessons or for PS/homework this is also part of the Supra Curricular for ‘Challenging’ the Able.