Teaching and Learning Principles
We strive to deliver outstanding teaching and learning opportunities for students. To achieve this, we expect teaching practice to align with both our whole school vision and the DFE’s Teacher’s Standards to “make the education of their pupils their first concern; and be accountable for achieving the highest possible standards in work and conduct.”
With these aims in mind, named areas of the teaching and learning vision are outlined below, and it is the expectation of all teaching staff to follow these within the context of their subject. By using these across the school we are able to help students build positive routines to become disciplined as learners and will be supporting both students and colleagues by promoting consistency between classrooms.
- Schemes of work (SoW) are inspiring, rigorous and challenging, and develop knowledge, skills and understanding – the framework around which quality teaching and learning can be built
- Teacher’s expectations of students are high– including attendance, behaviour for learning, study skills an quality of work
- Teaching inspires and challenges every student– differentiated tasks and varied teaching methods to get the best out of all students
- Teachers set prep and assessed homework that effectively supports learning (see ‘homework’ tab for more details)
- Assessment data is used in planning – including Assessed Homework/CAT grades and other data
- Students are aware of the progress they are making through data and quality marking and feedback, and in turn take responsibility for their own learning(see ‘marking and feedback’ tab for more details)
- Form Tutors support students to take responsibility for their learning– through reflection on performance and target setting on purple pages in student planner
- Students feel able to make informed decisions about lifestyle and career choices – subject-specific support for future e.g. UCAS/options – inspiring students to undertake a future in the subject
It is important to note that to maximise the success of the teaching and learning experience, teachers must adjust their practice to best suit each specific group of learners. Trying to teach every single class in a set way will not allow all students to meet our vision.