Spalding Grammar School Prospectus Inspire Challenge Enrich S I X T H F O R M
Welcome I started Spalding Grammar School in Year 7 and from a trembling kid who often got lost in the corridors, I became a Sixth Former, one of those ‘cool grown ups’, at least in the eyes of Year 7’s. I don’t know if I’m cool but I did grow up, thanks to the Grammar School, which helped me develop emotionally and intellectually. The School’s ethos “Inspire, Challenge, Enrich” has shaped my growth. Inspiration came from the teachers and from the school’s strong extracurricular provision which pushes us beyond our comfort zones; we meet challenges and are enriched with the support to overcome them. The SGS mission is to build wellrounded, ambitious and determined young adults. As an aspiring student of Medicine, SGS offered me opportunities to realise my academic potential. In how many other schools would students create theirownMedical Society?TheYear12Enrichment Programme is unlike anything offered anywhere else with its range of options: for instance, Young Enterprise or the Extended Project Qualification. Record numbers of students volunteer to befriend elderly people in residential care. Others compete in election hustings, and one joined the European Youth Parliament. And the Student Balls. The glamour, the suits and dresses, the music, the excited build-up, the embarrassing memories for some the nextmorning. The sporting achievements at Spalding Grammar School are exceptional: team spirit and mutual care characterize the school’s culture. Being Senior Student with my two deputies, Spencer DeRouen and Ben Futter, on the left and right side of the photo, respectively, has been a rewarding experience and I actively encourage students to involve themselves in the Prefecture when they join the Sixth Form. SGS is a fantastic place. I am confident that you will enjoy this wonderful school as I have. You won’t regret a moment of it. Sam Ishaq, Head Boy Spalding Grammar School I am delighted that you are considering Spalding Grammar School Sixth Form. This school is an exceptional place to study with an experienced bodyof committed teaching staff, excellent facilities and a strong programmeof academic andpersonal development. Teaching and Learning is centred on the development of independent study, deep and creative thinking and the habit of working to the highest levels of expectations. Inanenvironment of mutually respectful relationships between teachers and students, our Sixth Formers work hard and achieveexcellent resultswhichallowthemtoaccess Higher Education or employment equipped with the skills and confidence theyneed tobe successful in the future. Alongside a breadth of educational experiences for all students, matching their individual interests, aptitudes andabilities, weoffer a vibrant environment in which Sixth Formers play a crucial role in the School as positive role models for younger students in a culture of opportunity and responsibility, including leadershipandan increased commitment in the wider community. These are going to be two very exciting years in your life, when you will develop new friendships, new knowledge, new skills, and new values. I wish these twoyears tobebothmemorableandenjoyable for each one of youwhilst you prepare for the next stageandmake important decisions thatwill shape your future. It is our commitment to provide you with the right balance of challenge and support in a spirit of trust and in an environment with a sharp focus on learning. This is a great place to work and learn and I look forward to meeting you soon. Dr AMLeadbeater Head of Sixth Form 2 Spalding Grammar School | Sixth Form
‘Teachers have good subject knowledge, use high-quality questioning to check pupils’ understanding and plan activities which are sharply focused on developing examination skills.’ Ofsted Naturally, academic success will be a major priority for you, and you can be confident that at Spalding Grammar School we support, encourage and facilitate academic excellence. As a student in our Sixth Form you can choose from 24 different subjects. Additionally, all students are given the opportunity to choose from a diverse range of enrichment subjects to complement their core curriculum. Sixth Form students value our positive ethos, where academic aspiration is fully encouraged and supported. Our teachers have a very high level of expertise in preparing students for A Level and beyond, and students thrive in a learning environment where everyone is keen to succeed. Examination results are one of the key measures of our Sixth Form students’ achievements.We consistently see students reaching top grades. Our results have gone from strength to strength. If you join our Sixth Form, we shall expect enthusiasm, commitment, and of course, a dedication to your chosen course of study, which will lead to the highest results at A Level. Art and Design Economics Geography German Biology French Law Physics Business English Language Mathematics Sociology Chemistry EnglishLiterature Psychology Mathematics (Further) Computer Science Religious Studies History Music Design Technology Latin Physical Education Spanish Curriculum and Learning 3 Spalding Grammar School | Sixth Form
At SpaldingGrammar Schoolweunderstand that eachstudent is an individual with theirownparticular strengths, interests andcareer ambitions. Therefore, our aimis toensure that each student has apersonalisedprogrammeof study that supports themtomeet their aspirationsbyofferingabalancedandbroad rangeof twenty-fourALevel subjects that prepares students for further study and theworld of work. Students in our Sixth Form are required to study three subjects at A Level as universities – up to, and including, theRussell Group andOxbridge universities – are making their offers based on three subjects at A Level, with a preference for top grades. Studentsbeginning subjects inYear12arecommitting to themfor twoyears and that is why a three-subject (plus Enrichment option) route will be followed by themajority. However, as an academic school we allow our most able students to continue with as broad a curriculumas possible. As a result, students who have a number of high GCSE grades (at least six subjects at grade 7 or higher) are permitted to study four A Levels, according to prescribed pathways, as follows: • Studentswhoopt forFurtherMathematics, as theymaystudy twoALevels alongsideMathematics and FurtherMathematics • Studentswishing to studyBiology, Chemistry, Physics andMathematics Studentswishing tostudyother combinationsof four subjectswill beconsidered, provided there is overlap in the skills required (for example, Humanities and Social Sciences). A place on a fourthA Level coursewill only be confirmed once GCSE results are known. Inorder tocreateabespokecurriculumfor eachstudentweorganise thesubjects into blocks only after choices are made. So that we may provide maximum flexibilitywewould likestudents to indicate theirpreferences inorderof priority. Pathways 4 Spalding Grammar School | Sixth Form
Ina competitiveworld, it is no longer enough simply todowell inexaminations in order to secure a place at university, or a good job. Each student needs to stand out as a well-rounded individual with a range of experiences, striking personal attributes, achievements and interests that complement those professional qualities that have enabled them to succeed in their studies. On top of their core curriculum, students are also required to choose an enrichment subject. The only exception to this will be students studying four A Levels, who, given the increased demands of their chosen curriculum, may opt out of enrichment and use the time for private study instead. To this end, Sixth Form students benefit from an extensive enrichment programme, through which they are encouraged to acquire new interests or develop existing ones, fill gaps in their UCAS personal statement or CV, or add an extra dimension to their curriculum. Within this enrichment programme studentsmay choose froma diverse range of subjects: Enrichment AS Classical Civilisation Level 2 Award in Sports Leadership (SL2) AS Politics CoreMaths Young Enterprise Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) AS Criminology 5 Spalding Grammar School | Sixth Form
Extra-Curricular Sixth Form life offers numerous opportunities for students to develop their wide-ranging talents and use them to contribute to the School and thewider community. Our school excels in sport, being successful in local and national competitions, and has been recognised as the best state school in the county for sport. With this inmind, all students are encouraged to continue their involvement in sport during the Sixth Form, and most receive two hours of games tuition per week. School representative matches are centred around rugby, football, hockey, cricket, basketball and netball, and are played during the games sessions on Wednesday afternoons or outside curriculum time. Alongside this designated time, the PE Department runs a thriving enrichment programme and a variety of clubs take place at lunchtime and after school. The School Houses also compete in inter-House sports throughout the year, which culminates in Sports Day during the summer. Drama andmusic are also a prominent feature of extra-curricular opportunities at SGS, inwhich the School has achieved high standards and gained an enviable reputation. Productions have ranged from a musical version of Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ to theBroadwaymusical ‘Honk!’ and in 2018 ‘WeWill Rock You’. In2019, we put on ‘School of Rock’, in2020we performed ‘Little ShopofHorrors’ and in 2023, ‘Guys and Dolls’. In 2024, ‘Chess’ was a resounding success, and we are now rehearsing for ‘West Side Story’. Every show offers a wealth of on-stage and backstage opportunities, whether it be controlling the lighting rigs, managing the props or taking centre stage in one of the leading roles! There are also many events in the School calendar that enable students to perform in various groups includingChristmas concerts, awards ceremonies and charity events. The groups include the school choir, a concert band, soul band and ukulele band. Musical theory is also taught to supplement instrumental/vocal studies.We also offer the opportunity to join our lively debating team, Locutus, and to be part of the Editorial Board for the School magazine, The Bentleian and the academic magazine, the Spaldonian. We have also launched our own radio station, ‘Tower Radio’. Sixth Form students hoping to become doctors, dentists, vets and other healthcare professionals, have founded the MedSoc, whereas those interested in investments, financial markets and banking are members of the EconSoc. 6 Spalding Grammar School | Sixth Form
Sixth Form Facilities The nature of studying changes significantly in the Sixth Formand, as such, each student is allocated a fixed number of timetabled private study periods, designed to help them cope with the increased demands of A Level. Private study is essential to students’ development, giving them the opportunity to consolidate what they have been taught in lessons, and our purpose-built SixthFormStudyCentre provides a base for silent and supervised private study. Research and in-depth study, reading around a topic, note making, organising notes and writing essays are all tasks best carried out at school, where there are resources and staff available. The Sixth FormStudyCentre is a flexible space, consisting of an open-plan study area, private study rooms for groupwork, and study carrels for individual work, giving students the opportunity to personalise their learning environment. The well-stocked Library is also available for private study, which is also supervised. Aswell as having access to networked PCs, enhancedWi-Fi provision in these areas allows students to take advantage of new technologies to assist them with their studies. Students are able to bring their own laptops, netbooks and tablets to school; access their own dedicated file areas on the school network and take full advantage of a wide range of ‘on-line’ resources. In recognition of their growing maturity and independence, Sixth Form students are also given a fixed number of ‘free’ periods. Access to our Sixth Form coffee lounge also provides students with an area in which to socialise and recharge. In terms 2 and 3, Year 13 studentswho aremaking expected progress and have an excellent record of attendance, punctuality and behaviour are afforded the privilege of studying at home (Home Study). ‘The facilities available to the Sixth Form, namely the Sixth Form Study Centre and Coffee Lounge, provide areas for us as a cohort to work but also relax in, in order to get the best results possible’ Sam, Year 13 7 Spalding Grammar School | Sixth Form
During your time in the Sixth Form, you will make important decisions about your future. What is so comforting is that you are never alone or far from advice when it comes to making these decisions. The Director of Sixth Form Studies, Dr Leadbeater, ably supported by the Sixth Form tutors, will guide you through our application process, help you work out which subjects you can study and induct you into academic life and its demands in our Sixth Form. Support at Spalding Grammar School Enhancement Programme Our pastoral system is outstanding. Students in the Sixth Form are looked after and guided by a body of tutors with a wealth of experience in teaching A levels and dealing with issues that are specific to this particular group of students, on the cusp of adulthood. There is also a support member of staff who specialises in well-being in the Sixth Form and is on-call throughout the day in school. Sixth Formstudents followa planned Enhancement Programme in assemblies and tutor time. The programme covers three key elements: 1) Post-18 pathways, with guest speakers and the resources provided by Unifrog. Unifrog is a highly interactive and personal online platform that supports students in making career decisions and comparing universities, apprenticeships and other training. 2) VESPA, an engagement project designed to improve five key skills (i.e. Vision-Effort-Systems-Practice and Attitude) that allow the refinement of study skills and strategies for independent learning. 3) Personal Development, including safeguarding, pastoral care and current affairs. Prefecture The Prefectorial Team, led by theHead Student and twoDeputies, comprises young people whose moral and academic life shall always be a model for the student community to emulate. Our Prefecture is divided into two distinct pathways: Prefect Ambassadors and Prefect Ministers. The Ambassadors’ responsibility is that of academic mentoring of students in the lower years, working either 1:1 or with small groups of students on their development in particular subjects. Some Ambassadors also act as peer mentors and work with students on pastoral issues, having received appropriate training. TheMinisters’ responsibility has a large emphasis on discipline and invigilation; theywork closelywith staff to uphold the expectations of SGS and to ensure all students feel safe and respected. The Ministers also run the Committees – the Environmental Committee, the Equality Committee and the Charity Committee – which involve all year groups and have a whole school impact. Events run by these Committees include the celebration of InternationalWomen’sDay; the promotion of Black History Month; the commemoration of Stephen Lawrence Day; fundraising for Water Aid; The Shoebox Appeal; Comic Relief; Children in Need, to mention but a few. 8 Spalding Grammar School | Sixth Form
Post-18 Preparation The majority of our students decide to go on to Higher Education, and preparation for this starts early in Year 12. Students are given advice and guidance on how to researchHigher Education courses and how tomanage the electronic UCAS application process. Parents are also welcomed into School during Year 12 to attend an information evening concerning the UCAS journey and student finance. In addition, students are given advice and guidance on thewriting of the Personal Statement, which is carried out and supervised in tutor groups and completed in the first term of Year 13. Mock interviews are provided when necessary and past students are occasionally invited back to give advice to current Sixth Formers. Courses and ‘taster sessions’ are also advertised by e-mail throughout the year to provide students with an insight into careers, professions and undergraduate courses. Students applying to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge benefit from dedicated specialist advice and support to help maximise their chances of success. There is an expectation that during their journey in the Sixth Form, students will take much greater ownership of their learning. Academically, we want students to develop skills that will enable them to think critically, take risks, innovate and towork independently aswell as in teams. Theywill also develop study skills that enable them to thrive at University and encourage a passion for a particular academic area. Needless to say, students considering other pathways are equally well supported and help and advice is offered throughout the Sixth Formconcerning apprenticeships, school leaver programmes and gap year opportunities. We continue to build strong relationshipswith local apprenticeship providers and local businesses, and each year the School hosts a careers fair in a bid to raise students’ awareness of a wide range of career and educational opportunities. Throughout Years 12 and 13, they will undertake a series of Personal and Careers Education (PaCE) lessons where they will explore life skills such as living independently, managing finances, careers options and life after Sixth Form. All Year 12 students enjoy a week of Work Experience which involves short-termplacement with a company to introduce students to working life, explore potential careers, and develop basic employability skills. ‘Pupils receive effective advice and guidance in preparation for their next steps after Sixth Form. Pupils receive information about the different pathways available to them. They receive valuable support inmaking applications to university, and are provided with information about finance.’ Ofsted 9 Spalding Grammar School | Sixth Form
Shana, Year 13 I can honestly say that Spalding Grammar School has been the best decision I could have made when choosing where to go for Sixth Form. Coming from Spalding High School, I was initially very nervous about leaving familiar faces behind, but I knew I had to push myself to do what was right for me – change. I wanted to challenge myself to do something out of my comfort zone but, at the same time, was concerned that I would lose the support system I had built up at the High. From my first day here, I have felt comfortable in my surroundings and welcomed by everyone. All the teachers are approachable and everyone looks out for one another. It has allowed me to grow in confidence, along with introducing me to new opportunities, people and memories which will stay with me forever. Daniel, Year 13 Having attended Spalding Grammar School (SGS) for the previous 5 years, entering the Sixth Form for my A Level studies was a natural progression. Sixth Form students at SGS benefit from a strong balance between focused ‘contact’ time and study periods, allowing for an increased level of independence in learning which bridges the gap between school and university. This is not to say that students are expected to fully manage their non-contact time; the Sixth Form at SGS forms a supportive community where students can develop and flourish at their own pace. The curriculum offered at SGS is broad and diverse, yet academic at its core; I have personally benefited from studying Pre-U Global Perspectives as an enrichment alongside my A-level subjects, an opportunity that I feel will greatly enrich my Oxbridge application. William, Year 13 Transferring to Spalding Grammar School from the Peele Community College initially seemed like a daunting process and a big leap from what I had been used to. I had chosen to apply to the Grammar School as I believed it would be the best facility to advance my academic progress, and give me the best support for applying to University. After attaining my grades I realised my fears of joining the school had been misplaced as its friendly, welcoming and open atmosphere meant that I was quickly able to adapt to the learning style of the school and fit well into my chosen subjects. “ “ “ ” ” ” Student Profiles 10 Spalding Grammar School | Sixth Form
Entry Requirements Entry toSixthFormcourses is dependent upon studentsmeeting the following requirements: 1. Six GCSEs at Grade 4 or above including a minimum of Grade 4 in Mathematics and English Language or English Literature. 2. In addition, students must also meet the subject-specific entry requirements for the subjects they wish to study. Subject-specific entry requirements are listed inour subject information sheets whichwill bemade available at ourOpenEvening and through the ‘SixthForm’ sectionof ourwebsite. As a consequence of theCOVID-19pandemic, we have produced films by Heads of Subject which give further details about A level courses and are also available on our website. Admissions All students, both internal andexternal, must apply for aplace inour SixthForm. For September 2025 admission, applications must be received by Tuesday, 25 February2025. Application forms areavailableboth throughourwebsiteand the School Office. Offerswill be confirmedby theweekbeginning31March2025. For external applicants we will contact their current school to find out their predicted grades. In light of that information, prospective students may be invited to discuss their most suitable course of study. Taster Day Taster day allows students toexperience SixthFormlife andSixthFormlessons andwill help to informtheir final subject choices. Studentsmay attend lessons for five different A Level subjects on the day, as well as experiencing our Sixth FormCoffee Lounge and Study Centre. Dates for your diary Taster Day – 28 January 2025 ApplicationDeadline – 25 February 2025 Freshers’ Day – 3 July 2025 (Please note, thesemay be subject to change, so please keepwatch on our SGS Facebook page andWebsite) Admissions 11 Spalding Grammar School | Sixth Form
Social Life at Spalding Grammar School During your time in the Sixth Form, you will have excellent opportunities to extend your social circles. The students that choose to study at SGS are instantly made to feel welcome, integrate with ease and soon become part of the SGS Community, including taking up Senior positions in their Houses and Senior Student life. There is a designated Sixth Form Coffee Shop and Coffee Lounge area, the ideal place to meet up after lessons and spend time socialising in free time. There is free Wi Fi access and inhouse freshly prepared coffee shop style food available. Therewill bemany opportunities to get involved inwhole school life, but also to become part of the close familywhich is SGS Sixth Form. Opportunitiesmay include helping in the planning of theWhite Ball and the Leavers’ Ball, working backstage for School productions, being part of the Bentleian publishing team, organising parties for Senior Citizens, or joining one of the very many clubs and sports teams. The opportunities are endless. The Sixth FormLeavers hold a Black-Tie Ball, celebrating all the hard-work and dedication that has been invested over the past two years. In a very stylish affair, they dress up to the nines and party with staff and fellow students, dancing the night away. After our PromKing and Queen are elected and many sweet and funny memories of school life are exchanged, our Year 13’s move to the next stage of their lives. It is time for them to take their skills, creativity and empathy out into the world. If being creative is your field, there is a chance to be involved in the Bentleian Team, which will be responsible for publishing the school magazine. There will be a mountain of stories, photographs and events to capture throughout the year, and we are always enthusiastic for keen photographers to pop along and borrow the school cameras. The Marketing and Promotions team is an excellent way to meet new friends and be part of promoting the school internally and externally. For the sporting students there are plenty of opportunities to be involved in Senior Sports Teams, in Rugby, Hockey, Basketball, Football, Netball and Cricket. At the end of the season there is a Senior Sports Dinner and Awards Presentation Evening, to which guests from other schools are invited. 12 Spalding Grammar School | Sixth Form
Leadership Opportunities There aremany opportunities for leadershipwhilst in the Sixth Format SGS. Our Prefects play an integral role in the day-to-day running of the school. Prefects are distinguished by a high level of maturity that allows them to act as student leaders with real responsibilities and duties. As part of Enrichment, the Sports Leaders is a recognised qualification, designed to use sport and physical activity to help develop leadership skills. This is extremely popular for male and female students. There is also the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, consisting of expeditions, volunteering, skill, physical and residential elements. Unifrog As well as having access to a Careers Advisor for impartial advice and guidance for post-18 choices, our Sixth Formstudents benefit fromour latest investment in a high-impact progression and employability software called Unifrog, which offers a personalised programme to meet our students’ needs and prepare them for success in life. Unifrog allows our students to explore how their interests lead to different post-18 education and training pathways. They can use this to compare every university course in the UK, as well as every US university and every undergraduate programme taught in English in Europe. Additionally, they can compare every UK degree apprenticeship and School Leaver Programme and every Oxbridge college and Further Education college course. As well as using Unifrog for research, students use it to support preparation of applications for higher education. 13 Spalding Grammar School | Sixth Form
As Sixth Formers, you will be specialising in those subjects that you have chosen and which interest you most. Many of you will plan to attend university or join higher-level apprenticeships. The relationship between your work and the achievement of your personal goals will be much clearer than it has been before. As a school, we are supporting you in realising your ambitions by not limiting our provision to the minimum (i.e three A levels per student) but have invested in your overall education, by providing the Enrichment Block, where not all choices lead to examinations, but all add value to your learning experience. If you are a highly academic student, you might wish to stretch and challenge yourself by accessing the four-A level pathway, which is usually limited to the independent sector. The invigilation of Private Study periods by a member of staff is a measure aimed at gradually developing independence and responsibility within a structured environment. Our exam results are always competitive compared to other Sixth Form centres and we are very proud that most students accept places at top universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. Pastorally, we pride ourselves on the support we provide for our Sixth Form students, based on the crucial partnership between students, parents and staff. The Sixth Form tutor groups are led by experienced members of staff who take a keen personal interest in mentoring their tutees. Students meet their tutors every day for registration and a programme of form activities which include progress monitoring; discussion of higher education and careers options; development of a super-curricular portfolio; the delivery of the VESPA programme (refinement of non-cognitive skills) and visits to lower forms, according to a well-defined timetable. The visits are key to developing strong public-speaking skills and I believe that fostering the ability to confidently present in front of a critical audiencewill ensure that the students’ message will be communicated more effectively during interviews for University places or jobs, besides being one of the key competencies for many future careers. Dear Prospective Student 14 Spalding Grammar School | Sixth Form
Our preparation for University admissions is superb. Our already successful post-18 Careers and University Guidance will start in earnest within the first term of arrival, with the first visit from a University to present “Making the most of Sixth Form”, followed by a presentation of apprenticeship degrees by an international firm. Other Universities, including Imperial College and Sheffield University, are scheduled to help students make an informed decision about their future plans. In this context, our long-standing association with Christ’s College in Cambridge continues to provide opportunities to raise aspirations and give invaluable advice on Higher education to all our students. A wealth of school trips, Level 3 masterclasses, visiting speakers and other exciting activities are being organised by an ecclesiastic body of teachers whose commitment to the development of Sixth Form is strong, inspiring and invigorating. We look forward to welcoming you to our Sixth Form in September, Dr Leadbeater Director of Sixth Form Studies Continued... 15 Spalding Grammar School | Sixth Form
Spalding Grammar School, Priory Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE11 2XH Telephone: 01775 765800 • Fax: 01775 765801 • Email: