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Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Our Teaching, Learning and Assessment Vision is:

“Students enthusiastically engage in outstanding teaching and learning opportunities, leading to excellent progression and outcomes for all learners”

To achieve this vision, we have high expectations of our students:

Our Learner Profile sets out these expectations:



Effective Learner

High levels of attendance and punctuality

Have high expectations

Smart and correct uniform

Take responsibility for learning

Equipped and organised; pack bag night before (see list below)

Engage in all lessons; make a positive contribution

Correct use of planner

Produce classwork and homework to the best of ability

Communicate effectively with staff, parents and fellow students

Meet all deadlines


Act on feedback to aid progress


Demonstrate resilience when adversity is met



Having the correct equipment is the responsibility of each student. Every student should have access to their own:

Writing pen Lined paper
Pencil, sharpener and rubber Colouring pens/pencils
30cm ruler Highlighters
Geometry set A pair of compasses
Scientific calculator Scissors
Glue Stick Purple pen for RAFT (see section 7)


Education is most effective when students, the School and parents all work together towards a common goal.

As such, we expect the following of parents:

Reinforce the School’s vision with their son/daughter and create a positive learning environment at home.

Support their son/daughter with their study routines, whilst being mindful not to do the work for them to promote resilience and independence.

Communicate any feedback with the School.