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PaCE (Personal and Careers Education) at SGS covers the following areas:

  • PSHE (Personal, Social,  Health Education)
  • SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development)
  • CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance)
  • SRE (Sex and Relationships Education)
  • Citizenship

We have a whole school approach to many aspects of the PaCE curriculum, covering education and experience of every year group and student in a variety of ways: 


At Spalding Grammar School we have a variety of different assemblies including whole school acts of spirituality like the Christmas Service, Charter Day and the Easter Service. Many moral and social aspects of the curriculum are covered through House and Year assemblies.

Form Activities

Various activities take place in form time to develop moral, social and cultural awareness. This includes things like charity work and volunteering. Forms got involved in raising money and awareness for charities like Cancer Research and Movember. We have a very inclusive House system which encourages students to socially interact and often mentor other students of different ages through their Vertical Forms.


We have regular visits from the school nurse as a drop in service, this allows pupils to access discreet and confidential advice about any health issues they may have. She also covers some aspects of health and risky behaviour during assemblies and flexydays..

Careers Advice and Apprenticeship

At SGS, CEIAG prepares students for the next stage in their education or future career:

  • KS4 Options in Year 9
  • Work Experience in Year 10
  • Post 16 choices in Year 11
  • Post 18 choices in Year 12 /13

For many students, discussing their skills and achievements and future plans with their Form Tutor and Parent during the annual Academic Tutorial provides sufficient advice to help them decide on their next steps. We arrange one on one interviews with our fully trained Lincolnshire Careers CEIAG Guidance Advisor for those students that need further guidance.  These can be requested through Form Tutor or JEM.  We also ensure that our Guidance Officer and Apprenticeship Champion are available in school on GCSE and AS /A2 results days in August, so that students have access to quality advice and guidance, in case their results are disappointing.    

We arrange:

  • Careers “speed dating” events with a wide range of local and national employers
  • Visits to Universities
  • Interviews with Guidance Officer throughout the year

Visits and Enrichment

Students at SGS are provided with an exemplary (huge variety)of opportunities to widen their horizons outside the classroom with a very impressive number of visits, field trips and  flexy days as well as after school clubs and sports teams. These all contribute to the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development of our students into well rounded  individuals.

Subject Areas

Lots of our citizenship and other aspects of the PaCE curriculum is developed through the curriculum. For example spiritually is developed through Ethics and Philosophy, Environmental awareness and Fair trade in Geography, morals and culture in History to name but a few.

The different Key stages have specific content:

Key Stage 3

  • Risky behaviour which includes alcohol and sex education.
  • In Free Learning Block we cover social skills, what makes a good student, team building and building better relationships.
  • E safety is covered in detail by the ICT department.
  • Dedicated activities week where pupils build up relationships and are encouraged in team building and social skills
  • Healthy eating and Puberty
  • Prison Me No Way which is an outside company who deliver an exciting and innovative day showing how bad choices can lead to Prison and what prison life is actually like
  • In Year 9 students work on Fast Tomato which is an internet based careers and personal programme. This helps them to discover their skills and preferences, guiding them towards the correct options choices.

Key Stage 4

In Careers , Flexydays include presentations from a number of external agencies including:

  • Careers Guidance Officer
  • Apprenticeship Champion
  • Local colleges
  • Education Business Partnership
  • Local and national employers
  • STEM Ambassador (Science, Technology Engineering and Maths)
  • UCAS and Student finance experts


  • Risky behaviour including alcohol and drugs education.
  • E Safety through the ICT department in flexydays.
  • Sex and relationships education including STIs.
  • Make up a play about making the right choices about relationships.

Key Stage 5

  • STI awareness and chlamydia testing
  • 2Fast2Soon -  a hard hitting session by former police officers about driving safety
  • First Aid Training
  • Mentoring younger students in the vertical form system

In Careers , Flexydays include presentations from a number of external agencies including:

  • Careers Guidance Officer
  • Education Business Partnership
  • Local and national employers
  • STEM Ambassador (Science, Technology Engineering and Maths)
  • UCAS and Student finance experts