- Mr D Wise (Head of Department)
- Mr J Wyvill
- Mr J Morris (School Technician Art and DT)
The department consists of two Art studios including a kiln room, a darkroom, five computers, a laser printer, silk screen and dry point etch printing facilities.
Students have opportunities to develop a wide range of practical skills and techniques including drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic design, printing, and digital manipulation
Key Stage 3
Year 7: Students explore colour theory, painting, graphics, symmetry and complete a mask project.
Year 8: Students learn the techniques of one and two point linear perspective, then employ them to design their own dream bedroom and dwelling. They study Hundertwasser’s work and explore his very personal approach to composition.
Year 9: Students study the history of writing and printing; design an alphabet; then learn about Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Fauvism and Cubism. They explore photomontage and produce a work that reflects the influence of Hockney.
Key Stage 4
Students follow an AQA Art and Design course, normally the Fine Art endorsement, as it allows for the greatest range of response: drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic design with a fine art slant, printing, and digital manipulation.
Key Stage 5
Students follow an AQA Art and Design course, normally the Fine Art endorsement, as it allows for the greatest range of response: drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic design with a fine art slant, printing, and digital manipulation.
Students have access to a studio at lunchtime and after school. Students are encouraged to enter regional and national competitions. The department has enjoyed success at the LAFTAs, the National Students’ Exhibition, Talent Lincolnshire.