Design Technology
- Mr D Jones (Head of Department)
- Mr P Ibbs (2nd in Department)
- Mr T Mardle
- Mr J Morris ( School Technician DT and Art)
Students have opportunities to develop a wide range of practical skills and techniques including CAD/CAM designing and manufacturing, rapid prototyping, welding, drawing techniques, food hygiene and preparation to name a few.
Key Stage 3
All projects progress skills and knowledge learnt within the subject to enable an easy progression into either Product Design or Engineering.
Year 7: Acrobat man - using jigs and fixtures and Computer Aided Design program, Tea light holder - design and make a holder out of CAM base and copper rod & plate, Food – learn food hygiene and preparation with designing own dishes.
Year 8: Alarm project – basic wood working skills, plastic forming and the manufacture of an electronic circuit. Food – learn/extend food hygiene and preparation with designing own dishes and Desk tidy – mark out and make using sheet metal tools and machinery and finished with a plastic coating.
Year 9: Contemporary clock project – design and make using a variety of processes including CAM , an Automata project to develop knowledge and practice of mechanisms and CAD design, and a Graphics project to develop and produce corporate identity as part of product design.
Key Stage 4
Students can follow either the AQA Product Design or Engineering courses.
Product Design – consists of researching and identifying a need and solving a problem through development and manufacture and evaluation of final outcome.
Engineering – consists of manufacture of a given product using working drawings given to fine tolerances, using a variety of machines and computer manufacturing equipment. Theoretical knowledge features high maths content for problem solving and application of engineering solutions.
Key Stage 5
Students can follow either the AQA Product Design A Level or AQA Technical Level 3 in Mechatronic Engineering.
Product Design – consists of researching and identifying a need and solving a problem through development and manufacture and evaluation of final outcome.
Technical Level3 in Mechatronic Engineering - consists of working with real life local engineering firm problems, Health & Safety and current legislation, material investigations, theory calculations of engineering structures and appropriate design solutions, culminating in product manufacture of a functioning prototype. The course is studied over 8 Modules which takes 2 A level subject timeslots and can earn twice as many UCAS points as a single A Level.
Students have access to the workshops and computer facilities at lunchtime and after school. KS5 are also encouraged to use facilities during PS lessons. Students are encouraged to enter regional and national competitions. The department has enjoyed success reaching regional finals for the Land Rover 4×4 challenge and the Engineering Education Scheme for England competition. We also run a Lego Mindstorm club and Engineering club for all Key Stages, where students are encouraged to make their own products using our facilities.