SGS Enrichment and Extra-curricular
Inspire, Challenge, Enrich
Enrichment/Academic Clubs
- Engineering
- 4 x 4 Club
- Maths Club
- MFL Club
- Music Club
- Creative Writing
- Biology Club
- Latin Club
- Lego Club
- Social Skills
- Life Skills
- Christian Union
- Computing Club
- Chess Club
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Warhammer
Sports Clubs
- Rugby
- Basketball
- Football
- Cricket
- Indoor Cricket
- Squash
- Tennis
- Fitness
- Athletics
- Cross Country
- Table Tennis
- Hockey
- Gold D of E
- Swimming
Challenges and Trips
- Duke of Edinburgh
- Skiing in Italy, France and Spain
- Rugby in France
- Football in Amsterdam
- Cricket in Barbados and Dubai
- Geography in Iceland
- Harry Potter Studios
- Peak District
- Tallington Lakes
- World Challenge Expedition
Please see the downloadable Extra Curricular Calendar for Terms 3 and 4