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Our departmental vision is to develop logical thinkers able to analyse and evaluate scientific evidence, develop practical skills, and draw valid conclusions.  In addition, students should acquire the skills required to fulfil their potential in education.


The Science Department works hard with students on their 5- or 7-year journey to achieve the above so they can play a positive role in society, as well as to have the knowledge and skills to continue their studies and embrace any career involving science should they wish to do so. 

With over 50 feeder primary schools, the range of scientific knowledge and understanding that students arrive with in varies massively.  Their scientific career with us starts with them first developing their practical skills, which provides an exciting start to their secondary science education, as well as moving towards the students all developing a similar skills-base.   (Safety in the laboratory is introduced here, a theme that runs throughout.)  The skills learnt are frequently revisited and developed through a spiralling curriculum.  (Note: A ‘level Chemistry follows a similar path at the start of Yr12.)