Student Advice and Resources
On this page you will find advice that will support students through revision.
More information and ideas can be found in the student revision guidance booklet (downloadable here)
You can also access advice and resources via the ‘SGS Revision Centre’ Team (student access only).
A list of recommended revision resources for examination cohorts (Y10-13) is downloadable here and also displayed on the 'Exams page' within 'School Information'.
Maximising Memory:
Your brain contains over 100 billion neurons. Every time we learn something new, a neural pathway is formed. The more we use this pathway (use this information), the longer it stays open.
Revision is simply re-using these pathways on a regular basis to avoid them closing (and therefore forgetting).
To do this, you should revisit the pathway regularly, and engage both halves of the brain. The left brain tends to process logic, words, lists etc. The right brain processes colour, sound etc. By combining the two halves when revising, you increase your brain’s potential to remember information!
Revision Principles:
Whether it be for a small test, a CAT, or a formal examination, these principles should be followed by any student of any age.
Ensure your revision is....
•Specific – to a particular topic or area. Vague revision will only be superficial
•Suited – to your personality or learning style – you know how you learn best
•Varied – keeps things interesting
•Stimulating (dare we say, ‘fun’?!) – increases engagement and motivation
•Re-useable – created resources that can be used over and over to save time
•Transformed – from one form to another – not just reading or re-writing in the same way
•Chunked – broken down into sections, topics, chunks, areas to help memorise
•AO (Assessment Objective) driven – challenging a particular AO (e.g. knowledge, application, analysis etc)
Top Revision Tips:
Work out how much time you have - make a note of the exam/CAT/test date, and work backwards to calculate the time you have to revise.
Complete a revision timetable - map out your revision into achievable blocks of time. Making this visual can help reduce stress and enables you to keep a record of revision. Prioritise revision based upon importance or proximity of assessment.
Create the right environment - have a comfortable, quiet environment and remove all distractions whilst revising – including your phone! Ensure you environment has the resources you need to carry out stimulating revision; such as post it notes, coloured pens etc.
Get a ‘study buddy’ - someone you trust so you can motivate, test and bounce ideas of each other.
Find your best revision type - auditory (by hearing), visual (by sight) or kinaesthetic (by movement). Most people are a combination of more than one type – so use revision methods that support your learning type
Revision Resources and Ideas:
Below is a grid of ideas, taken from the downloadable student revision guidance booklet. At the foot of this page you can find more downloadable revision ideas and resources.
For more subject-specific resources, student can contact teachers or Heads of Subject.